Office informationOffice and show-room "Podaraci.BG" Ltd.working hours: Monday to Friday 08:30 to 17:30
Saturday and Sunday: + 359 896 88 92 81Business address: 25 Sofroniy Vrachanski Str., Sofia -
Phonestelephones: + 359 2 971 11 77 and + 359 2 421 42 28Mobile number: + 359 896 88 92 81national telephone: 0700 14 505 / the cost of a phone call according to your plan /
Additional contacts
CompanyCompany details and headquarters address:Podaraci.bg Ltd.Sofia 1113, 2, Kosta Lulchev StrBulstat 131507255VAT number BG131507255MALL: Емил Трухчев
If you have any questions or complaints about the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy, please email us here:
e-mail: privacy@podaraci.bg, support@podaraci.bg