Wine Heart, 500 ml
Surprise your loved one with an exquisite heart-shaped bottle and enjoy together the red wine Merlot from Harsovo! The bottle is 500 ml, imprinted with Love is.
Serve a non-standard and sophisticated gift to your mate, which will contribute to the pleasant atmosphere in a special day, such as Valentine or anniversary.
Because women like exciting surprises!
Give yourself romance and feeling! Stand out with a different gift and pick up the applause! Cheers, man.
Surprise your loved one with an exquisite heart-shaped bottle and enjoy together the red wine Merlot from Harsovo!
Order now for your mate for a special occasion or just to show how much you care about it!
Suitable gift for Valentine's Day, 8 March, Jubilee, anniversary.
Fascinate Every lady who is a connoisseur of wine and beautiful things.
Bottle has a capacity of 500 ml and contains a red dry wine with a mild fruity taste, alk. 12.5%.
Вместимост: 500 мл
Време за доставка: 1-2 работни дни
Видове подаръци: Алкохолни изкушения
По интереси: Романтични