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Така започва една красива история за любов, загуба и отмъщение. Следвайки смяната на сезоните, Джоан Харис черпи вдъхновение от природата и фолклора, за да преплете младост и зрялост, страст, мъдрост и мистика и да ги превърне в модерна приказка.Това е разказ за едно диво безименно момиче, което живее сред вълците, дърветата и билките – Странница без минало. Само любовта е в състояние да я привлече към различния и измамен свят на Хората, на нещата, които носят собствени имена. И когато капанът на този свят щраква зад нея и я откъсва от нейната природа, изглежда, само желанието за мъст ще е достатъчно силно, за да ѝ позволи да избяга.

ИСБН: 9789542827597

Страници: 256

Корица: мека

Тегло: 0.30

Дата на издаване: 2019-07-04

Автор: Джоан Харис

Издател: Сиела

Време за доставка:

The company "Podaraci.Bg" Ltd. delivers with: - SPEEDY The price per office of SPEEDY is BGN 5,9 The price to the address of the client is 8,9 BGN SPECIFICATION: The client undertakes to provide access and opportunity to receive the goods. If the customer is not found at the specified address or has been mistaken, the second delivery will be paid extra by the customer. All prices listed on this site are incl. VAT. IMPORTANT: On delivery, the customer is obliged to open the shipment and check that its integrity is preserved in the PRESENCE of the courier. If the product is broken or injured, it is mandatory to declare it to the courier at the time of delivery. Otherwise, the value of the shipment and delivery remains at the expense of the customer. "Gifts.BG" Ltd is not responsible for damaged items that are not advertised in the presence of a courier. In the case of established damage to the shipment and packaging, together with the courier Econt or the relevant courier company, is a statement of facts in two copies, one for each side, which describes the type, condition of the package and available content of the consignment. Claims should be lodged at the time of receipt of the shipment before you have accepted the shipment from the courier. If the customer does not like the goods he has ordered, he has the right to replace it with another item at his own request or to return it to the office of "Gifts.BG" Ltd., the delivery is entirely at his expense. This does not apply to personalized gifts that have a personal photo, text, or date.